Writing insights
Nobody cares about your brand. They care about how your brand will make them feel, or how your brand will solve a problem, or how your brand will save them time.
Storytelling is a brilliant technique that helps communicate all this and more. Discover the many ways you can use stories in your business copy.
Ditch the drivel; add some zing
Discover how to transform your writing from dull to dazzling using George Orwell's classic rules. Learn to write with clarity, simplicity, and originality to captivate your audience and make your message unforgettable.
Your brand voice matters
Why developing your brand voice is one of the most cost-effective ways to stand out in a crowded marketplace.
Selling vs storytelling
The difference between content writing and copywriting and why you need both.
Sustainability stories
Brands have become wary of talking about sustainability for fear of greenwashing. But saying nothing isn’t the answer. Owning your story is crucial.
Are you listening?
How asking good questions and actively listening to the answers can unlock your business story.
Dragon slaying
Clear and concise communication is something I am incredibly passionate about. Find out how I slay dragons in a bid to fight bad writing.
Story planning
How to use the five Ws to find meaning and purpose in your storytelling, helping you overcome information overload and writing paralysis.
Story listening
Why listening is such a key part of storytelling for business. Find out how I’ve become better at it and why it helps define your written tone of voice.
Making waves with words
Everyone is using storytelling techniques these days – so how can you stand out and really make some waves? Especially when we’re all trying to be genuine, honest and authentic. Well, there is a way to avoid being drowned out by all the noise.
Why storytelling works
Everybody loves a good story. Your children love one at bedtime (or more than one if they’re anything like mine). Your friends love to share a good story when you meet them for a drink. Your work colleagues will whisper the latest gossip as you make a cuppa in the office kitchen. But how does good ‘storytelling’ help your business?
How to share your story
Storytelling has been a buzzword in business circles for some time. You might think we are all suffering from information overload, but the reality is our brains are wired for good stories. But once your stories have been formed, it can be tricky to get them out there.
Five key writing tips
You’ve decided to use stories to connect and engage with your tribe. But how do you start putting pen to paper? Here are my top five writing tips that will help you create great story-led content.
What makes a good story?
We hear a lot about storytelling content. But what makes a good story? How can you use stories effectively in your marketing, especially when everyone else is doing the same? And – more importantly – how will it help your business stand out?
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Demystify the writing process, get practical tips, and find your brand's voice. The Storytelling Edit is your source for creating captivating content that builds lasting connections. Subscribe and get access to my free BRAND ROOTS worksheet.